Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Nathan's View

Hello, very proud Dad to be here!!!!
This whole thing from my point of view. Well, where do I start. I will kick off at the start.
I was on the plane to Perth to pick up Tylah. I had landed at Perth but we were seated on the plane as we had to wait for a taxi bay for the plane. Typical Y Gen, have to have things now, I reached for the mobile phone and turned it on.
“DING!!!”, a loud message rings across the fuselage of the plane. The hostie fires daggers down the aisle and the pa on the plane rings out, “Ladies and Gentleman, as we are not yet well inside the terminal, could you please remember to leave all mobile phones turned off!”
I flick the phone to silent and read the message from Ange.
A single photo of a home pregnancy test presenting with “II”. Included in the photo were the directions on the stick. “I” not pregnant. “II” pregnant. You little beauty.
First emotion, unbelievable joy, accompanied with tears. Man up! Nope. Who cares, we are having a baby!!!
Excitedly I messaged Ange back that I would call her shortly. One foot off the plane into the jet bridge and I was on the blower.
We excitedly talked, tears streaming down my face as I wandered down to baggage claim. I was ecstatic!
Claimed my bag, leapt in a taxi and Ange and I continued to chat via sms. The taxi driver commented that I had used my phone more in the five minutes I had been in his cab, then he would use in a year. That prompted me, “Well mate, I don’t know who you are but I just found out we are having a baby!” Well I had to tell someone!!!
So the last four months had been awesome. The experience of first seeing the little peanut actually inside the womb, again tears!
Telling Tylah, and her overwhelmingly excited response, tears!
Taking Tylah to our 3D scan, and finding out we are having a little girl, tears!
Christ, sponsor me Kleenex!
This has been a great ride so far, Ange has been magnificent. I am getting healthy to prepare for the stresses and sleepless nights that will come. We are looking busily at nursery furniture and other needs. That’s right Ange, needs, not wants!! And we are, or Ange is nesting, fluffing around the bedrooms, moving stuff around and getting ready. I am really enjoying this experience.
I have learnt that now is not the time to query Ange over, say….anything! And the biggest kicker, “fat” is a four letter word. I have learnt to completely eliminate it from the vocabulary. If meat needs trimming, I am removing the fff..grissle. If I try to fit something in a hole and it doesn’t go because it is too ffff…wide.
A lesson from The Dad’s Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies, “Do not under any circumstances advise your partner that she is looking fat. Maybe suggest you go to the park to throw the Frisbee.”
Now Frisbee is also banned in our house…..
Love it! More dad updates to come!

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