Wednesday, 9 January 2013

3D Scan

We want Tylah to be as involved as she can with her new brother or sister, so we decided it was prefect timing to have a 3d scan done while we were in Perth. All three of us bundled into the car and drove to Fetal Fotos in North Perth. We had decided prior to the scan that we wanted to find out the sex of the baby, so apparently at this scan, even though I was only 14 weeks, they could tell what the gender was. As we were driving, we all wrote down what we thought it would be… it was later found out that Tylah was the only one who got it right!
Within about a minute of me lying down on the table, the sonographer said, “And, yes, you are having a little girl!”. A BABY GIRL!
Tylah, Nath and I watched the screen intently as our baby girl moved about, waving her arms around. She was being a little shy and keeping her hands and arms over her face! We got a good look at her and were able to take home a disc of the scan and also a page of photos.
As the scan was only done at just over 14 weeks, these were the best images....

Front on view

A little shy perhaps?!

Forever moving her little arms

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